Richelle Pearce

Richelle Pearce

"To Stop Diabetes would mean that children living with diabetes can attend school with no worries, like all the other students. Till then, our children with diabetes need extra protection and care while attending school. As a parent, I know the intense anxiety of sending a child to school, hoping his diabetes will be cared for by others. It takes a team effort of parents, faculty, and nurses to ensure proper care is given, and our children can learn alongside everyone else in class. How grateful I am to have the American Diabetes Association there for us with proper forms, website information, faculty training, and advocates. As an Advanced Safe at School Advocate for the American Diabetes Association, I work with parents and schools making sure the rights of each child are protected. My passion for a cure is only matched by that of helping all children have a memorable healthy childhood that is free from discrimination and lack of care. Please join us in every effort to Stop Diabetes."

For her dedication and commitment to Stop Diabetes, the American Diabetes Association was pleased to send Richelle Pearce and her family to the Children with Diabetes annual conference where they were able to continue their efforts on behalf of children with diabetes.