Jay Dunigan

Jay Dunigan

Londonderry, New Hampshire

If you met me on an airplane or bus, you would not know of the burden I have carried for 36 years. I have type 1 diabetes, my pancreas has not made insulin since I was 10 years old. More recently one of my three children also developed Type 1 diabetes- in the prime of his academic career. Has it stopped either of us? No. And there lies the dilemma. Is it okay that we just survive it and we can live a relatively "normal" life? Normally I am humbled at what I see lacking in the world and am so grateful for what blessings I have- but on the other hand- both my son and I have so much more to offer and the diabetes is a costly, daily grind on our productivity and pursuits. It does not affect our intelligence, just our bodies. The rest of the family living with the mood swings and allowances of extra time and energy so that the disease's demands may be met. Like the days when polio was eradicated with a vaccine- I long for the same in diabetes- so that my children's children will only have to tackle one of life's new and "different" challenges and not diabetes. Learn more, care more and don't think this condition is not serious on its affect to our country. Please help STOP DIABETES!